by webadmin | Aug 24, 2022
WORKS Colour Power I, oil on canvas, 256 x 192 x 8 cm, 2021 V, oil on canvas, 256 x 192 x 8 cm, 2021 VII, oil on canvas, 256 x 192 x 8 cm, 2021 VIII, oil on canvas, 256 x 192 x 8 cm, 2021 XI, oil on canvas, 256 x 192 x 8 cm, 2021 XII, oil on canvas, 256 x 192 x 8 cm,...
by webadmin | Aug 22, 2022
WORKS Stigma Stigma, oil on canvas and silver leaves, 190 x 125 cm, 2009 Stigma Profoundly moved by the illness my friend, Fadia, and familiar with her message of peace and tolerance, addressed to those negatively affected by the three monotheistic religions, I could...
by webadmin | Aug 21, 2022
WORKS Fxx Power Vox Populi, oil on canvas, 150 x 232 cm, 2019 Fxx Power The days of Jack Kerouac, pioneer of the Beat generation and the counter-culture revolution of the 1960’s are long gone, but have we truly left them in the past? While the economic, political and...
by webadmin | Aug 20, 2022
WORKS Les ors du temps Andromède, silver leaves on mixed media, 116 x 243 cm (28 pieces), 2018 Black Sun, silver leaves on oil on canvas, 190 x 140 cm, 2018 Crazy Horse, mixed media on 24-carat gold leaves, 120 x 218 cm, 2018 Désirée, oil on plate, gold and silver...
by webadmin | Aug 19, 2022
WORKS The Trash-icOr trash in the face of beauty Installation – A tribute to Magritte, neon, 200 x 24 cm, 2018 Installation – Boxing Freud, oil on canvas, cotton crochet, 130 x 195 cm, 2018 Boxing Freud, oil on canvas, cotton crochet, 130 x 195 cm, 2018...