The Soothsayer

Le Mat, oil and Bic ink on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

Le Bateleur, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

La Papesse, oil and Bic ink on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

L’empereur, oil and Bic ink on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

L’Impératrice, oil and Bic ink on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

Le Pape, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

L’Amoureux, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

Le Chariot, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

La Justice, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

L’Ermite, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

La Roue de Fortune, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

La Force, oil and 24-carat gold leafs on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

Le Pendu, oil and Bic ink on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

La Tempérance, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

Le Diable, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

La Maison de Dieu, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

L’Etoile, oil and Bic ink on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

La Lune, oil and Bic ink on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

Le Soleil, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

Le Jugement, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

The Wall, interactive puzzle wall made from recycled plexi, 260 x 248 x 21 cm, 2022

Le Monde, oil on polished aluminium plate mirror, 180 x 100 cm, 2022

The Soothsayer

The Soothsayer refers to the character of Shakespeare’s tragedy who warned the emperor Julius Caesar of his premeditated assassination in the Senate, but who was ignored and called a “dreamer.” I use the idea of premonition as being one of the artist’s missions. I take an interest in the unlikely meeting point between artificial intelligence and the mystic. Three works dialogue with each other and guide the viewer along the path of his own discovery and that of humanity: a majestic set of the revisited 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot of Marseille, a puzzle of colored pieces and an abstract totemic sculpt